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2 homes, one priority: your child - Join the free Parenting After Separation course
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Hi all,

My first post on here so hope it is in the right place. 

I have recently found myself going through a separation which is now leading to divorce. We have been here before but managed to work through things temporarily.

My wife suffers with her MH and has recently made a false allegation of emotional abuse in a clear attempt to get me to move out of the family home. Nothing short of blackmail in my view.This hasn't gone anywhere formally but it has been discussed with her side of the family. Since the allegation apologiesnhave been made, I have discussed it with all parties invovled and they have stated it was a knee [censored] reaction to seeing her so upset and in a state of panic. They state they see no need to take it further, however, the fact it was even considered has blown my mind and I do not trust that it won't be used again. 

My question is, is there a way that I can formally log this false allegation to protect myself long term without any immediate action? 

I hope that we can maintain a level of civility during this difficult time but I also hear horror stories of false allegations resulting in forceful removal etc.

I do have evidence to support my side of things.  

Any and all advice would be welcome. 


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I recently spoke to a dad who is in process of separation/divorce.  He is still living in same house with his wife. he tries to stay away from her. he keeps a cctv camera/phone camera handy to protect himself. also keeps a log/diary of any incidents. But the risk of allegations and problems will remain as long as your both living in the same house. do you have children? 

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@bill337 Hi and thanks for the reply. Yes, we have a child who is 3. I have kept a diary of conversations and I have exported messages etc. Which I can use as evidence should it come to it. 

I am trying to keep contact minimal and discussions we have when little on is asleep only revolve around next steps & our child. 

My aim is to get in front of it so that the power that be (whoever that is is this context) are aware. 

Thanks again 

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I would have a chat with a family lawyer - it may be possible that something like a sworn affadivit would cover what you were after, but certainly probably worth paying for an hour of legal advice to cover yourself.

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Hi, I hope that by now you have taken the advice of above and just had at least an hour chat with someone legally trained. I say this as I was falsely accused of everything you could imagine in 'her' attempt to gain a live in order to then rob me further of time with my daughter and financially.


I finally after a year of the law and society being against me, I finally disproved the lot and have been apologised to but of course the MH card was played to protect someone from getting any kind of punishment for their actions.


It still ceases to amaze me that there are plenty of support networks for those who suffer or claim to suffer with MH but there is very little to the victims of those that either falsely claim it or those that do genuinely suffer with it and cause harm to others.


The reason I am telling you this is that don't let one false allegation just slide because if the intent is there then they will only get worse and worse. Knee [censored] or not. It is your life under scrutiny when they 'knee [censored]' again.


 I hope that you manage to sort everything with civility and that it goes swimmingly well in all aspects. But please come back to the forum if need any help.

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@peakyjohn thanks so much for your reply and apologies for the lateness of mine. 

I did seek advice and things have improved on this front, however, that isn't to say it won't happen again. 

I now keep records and email myself so that they are time stamped etc. 

The current battle Is a financial one with money being withdrawn from our joint account and payments on her side being significantly reduced. 

I have recently posted in the legal Eagle area about this if you have any further advice. 


Thanks again 

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I had the same with my wife and was accused of abusive behavior and mental abuse. I was really struggling financially and everyone believes the court. I ran away and worked in different countries in the EU which has now stopped thanks to BREXIT. It is very difficult when someone sees you and remembers you as abusive not as a Engineer or a football fan. 


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