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Cafcass safeguarding checks

Active Member Registered

Hi all,


new here so be gentle with me. 

im going through what most of us are/have been. Im currently in the midst of family court child arrangements case. Ex has falsely accused me of everything she can think of. Safeguarding checks were done on me and no concerns found. Cafcass have asked to do background checks on my current spouse. She has nothing to hide and is willing to allow cafcass access to her records. There are no accusations (that I know of) toward my partner. Her and my ex have never even met. Surely she doesn’t need to be dragged into this anymore than she already has been by supporting me 24/7. She is not a respondent and the court have not ordered any safeguarding checks on her. They have no reason to. Is anyone able to give any insight here please. 
thank you guys 

Topic starter Posted : 23/05/2024 7:00 pm
Illustrious Member


It seems to be standard practice to do background checks on partners that will regularly spend time with children. They want to be cautious ane check that children will be safe around partners.


Posted : 24/05/2024 2:55 pm
Active Member Registered

Hi Bill,

Thanks for your reply. Do you know if this is a uniform approach to all that spend time with this child. For example my parents have not been vetted, nor has my ex’s partner. 

Topic starter Posted : 24/05/2024 7:49 pm
Illustrious Member

@fightthegoodfight Am not sure, you can contact the CAFCASS Officer that's dealing with your case.

Posted : 25/05/2024 10:05 am

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