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SS + Police - Should I not hand back?

Estimable Member Registered

Hi all, 


It's been a couple years but i'm back! 

I wont go through the whole story but ex left, i had to fight and get access and on birthday cert. They then move away remarry etc etc. 

However recently i've been told social services have been involved twice (Not finding anything surprise surprise) which doesn't suprise me because the mother and her husband are more manipulating people I've ever met. However i've recently been contacted by the police / child welfare asking me if i've seen anything and if so what as some claims have bee made against them. 

I'm due to have my child soon. I feel i need to take them out of the situation. However i know that if i didn't hand them back because i have safe guarding issues and i'm worried about their safety. Would it go against me when it obviously goes back to court? or am i better carrying on as normal and just going to court. I just worry that as soon as that happens, she'll go into hiding and i wont see them again. They live 300+ miles away. 

Sorry if ive posted this wrong. first time back in 6 years? ish ha. 



Topic starter Posted : 29/03/2023 8:04 pm
Illustrious Member


Welcome back. I suggest you speak to childrens services and seek advice from them, whether children should stay in your care or return to Mother.

If something very serious did happen and children are at risk, I would imagine children/social services would recommend you to keep kids.

Posted : 30/03/2023 11:09 am
Eminent Member Registered

Hi, I am sorry to hear about the challenges you are facing.  I'd echo the advice about speaking with children's services to discuss any concerns.  I hope you are still able to enjoy the time with your child when they visit.  I'd simply encourage you to keep as involved as you can in your child's life - spending time together when you can, and keeping in touch in whatever way is possible when you are apart (although I am guessing your child is probably still too young as yet to be able to do video calls or write letters?).  Whatever you can do to build and sustain a good, loving and trusting relationship with your child will be invaluable for their wellbeing and development, and will hopefully provide a strong foundation for your relationship in the years to come as your child gets older.

I wish you all the best in your endeavours,

Fegans Parent Support 

Posted : 31/03/2023 5:54 pm

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