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Child maintenance after court order

Active Member Registered

I'm after some advice 

I've got a court order in place until February 2024 ive been paying £250 per month which is the amount stated on the order when it ends in Feb ill have to start a calculation of child maintenance 

My issue is I had a 2nd job which I ended employment on April 2023 but when it comes to the calculation in Feb that amount will show on my recent p60 but since April 2023 I haven't had this job so earned no money as cms use the recent p60 it will show a salary of 7k which I no.longer get 

My income from my main employment is around 28k 

So my issue is its below the 25% reduction amount but because I've actually lost my 2nd job would they take this into account or would I still have to pay it? 


Thanks for reading 


Topic starter Posted : 28/11/2023 4:34 pm
Illustrious Member


If you open a CMS case or your ex opens it in feb 24,  in theory they will check HMRC records for latest available tax year, which would be the 2022/2023 tax year. They will check total gross income earned for that tax year and calculate your payments.

Is it possible for you to use CMS calculator to arrange a private arrangement with you ex next February?


Posted : 28/11/2023 6:04 pm
Active Member Registered

Thanks for the reply

In an ideal world thats what I'm hoping but u never know come Feb 

Otherwise I'll be paying around £70 extra a month for something I don't earn or have earned since April 2023 if she goes to cms to open a case 

Topic starter Posted : 28/11/2023 6:15 pm

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