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Court Order

New Member Registered


I’ve been paying CM for last 8 years and I have a court order in place for shared care. My banding has always been in the 104-155 nights.

However, the receiving parent has called CMS to change this to under 52 nights due to my kids getting older and not wanting to come and stay over as much. This has been not for the love of trying and I’m happy to pay my way but the figure CMS are now quoting is far too much and will leave me in financial difficulties. I called them today to explain they already have the court order on file that is meant to be adhered to, but they are now not willing to accept this now as they say it’s not getting enforced.

I don’t have money to get lawyers involved again, so I’m hoping I can get some advice on here please.



Topic starter Posted : 28/11/2023 1:56 am
Illustrious Member


Unfortunately this is how CMS work. If they are made aware that current court order not being followed, they reduce the shared care nights. If your kids are teenagers and have strong views of not wanting to spend much time with you, I don't think it would be of any benefit if you returned to court. Do you pay into a pension? Could increase contributions.

Posted : 28/11/2023 12:23 pm

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