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[Solved] Arranging times to have my kids and ex asking for more money

New Member Registered

Hi everyone , my problems are mounting higher than Everest. Like most dads I keep my maintenance up to date and see my kids when I’m not working , the ex now wants me to see them less by incorporating cutting my work time to look after the kids so she can go back to full time education, all though some would say it’s admirable to allow her to do this she wants me to pay nursery fees on top of monthly payments and to change my hours at work, just need some advice on the best way without getting into any lawful trouble , my current routine is I work one in three weekends and when I’m not at work I have the kids , I have no network where I am as I moved away from family and friends , also where do I stand with not being notified on things happening to my boys I won’t go into to much detail but something happened to one of my sons while I was on work which was a safe guarding issue which happened on the morning I was notified in the afternoon that he was in hospital

Topic starter Posted : 25/06/2019 1:23 am
Reputable Member Registered

I’d get to court and get a child arrangement order in place .the process is a lengthy one but when exes start trying to change and dictate access it doesn’t seem to ever get better again . It’s a good thing that she wants to go back to work but that needs to work for you and your kids as well as being better for you financially .

Posted : 25/06/2019 10:22 am
Illustrious Member

or you could tell ex if she really doesnt want you to work, then you can quit work. sit on your backside and claim benefits. then theres no child maintenance to worry about lol. well £7 a week haha.

Posted : 26/06/2019 12:46 am

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