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Ex Wants to change ...
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Ex Wants to change child arrangments

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I have a court order in place where I see my children every other weekend due to me working Monday - Friday and I don't live near them to have them in the week for me to be able to take them to school as my job starts between 7.30 and 8am depending what time they want me in work. I've also said that I will have them in the school holidays in 6 weeks for a week as I don't get a lot of annual leave to be able to have all school holiday off. 

I offered to have them on boxing day for a couple of nights but my ex refused as she said lets just stick to the court order. So I didn't see them over Christmas 

My ex does not work at all 

So my ex wants to change our court agreement so that I have the kids every weekend which I have said I can not do

Reason why I cant have them every other weekend is because my Partner has a child and we have arrangements that I have my children one weekends and my partner has her child the other weekends.

We do this so when I don't have my children I work on those weekend and vice versa for my partner when she does not have her child then she works on those weekends.

But by ex changing the weekend to every weekend then we will both wont be able to work on the weekends as my partner is the driver and picks my kids up from their mothers. 

This will lead us losing a lot of money and we are already struggling with paying the bills and these weekends just keep us a float and if we lose this money then we will go into big debt.

If she takes me to court then I will object and tell them that it will finically cripple us losing our weekend money as its double pay which helps us a lot. But would the judge even consider our money losses or just side with my ex.


Also my partner is pregnant and how does it work if my partner goes into labour on the weekend that I have my children as I know my ex will be like I don't care its your weekend but I wont be able to have them due to me being their for my partner and our baby on the day she gives birth

Thanks for Reading =]

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I suggest you carry on as you are and wait for her to put in a request to change the order. That may never happen.  A court is unlikely to make an order that you have difficulty with.  

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as your ex previously told you to stick with court order, you can insist on the same. court can not make you see kids more often if your not available/have other commitments.

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@bill337 Yes my ex has said lets stick with the court order, as I tried to have them longer over weekends but she was like Nope. We did try it once but I bought the kids new trainers that I wanted them to keep at my house and she went really weird about it and just went we will stick to the court agreement.

She even said she will take me back to court to reduce the time I have with my kids and not do overnight stays, which I have asked the kids do they like staying over night with me which they are happy too - she only says this when she is in a mood. Which I am sure the courts would reject as they will look what in child best interest and that is having time with their father as well. She is very controlling and if she does not get what she wants she makes everything hard work.

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Illustrious Member
Posts: 5366

@frenwind if it does go back to court, you can seek better arrangements, like more time with kids over weekend, something in place to see kids during xmas, easter,summer, birthdays etc


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