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[Sticky] Family Court Fees increasing from 30 September 2021

Illustrious Member

In line with The Court Fees (Miscellaneous Amendments) Order 2021 SI 2021/985, which makes amendments to the Family Proceedings Fees Order 2008 SI 2008/1054, a number of court fees in England and Wales, including those in Family Court Proceedings will increase from 30 September 2021.

The court fees that will be increasing in Private Family Proceedings include:

Applications to initiate divorce and financial remedy proceedings

  • Divorce Fees will increase from £550 to £593

This includes applications for a decree of divorce (S1 Matrimonial Causes Act (MCA) 1973), a decree of nullity (MCA 1973, ss 11 or 12), or a dissolution order or nullity order (S37 Civil Partnership Act 2004)

  • Form A Notice of intention to proceed with an application for a financial order other than by consent will increase from £255 to £275

A notice of intention to proceed with an application for a financial order to which Family Procedure Rules (FPR) 2010, SI 2010/2955, 9.4(a) applies, or an application for a financial order to which FPR 2010, SI 2010/2995, 9.4(b) applies (other than an application for a consent order).

Applications within proceedings

  • An application in existing proceedings without notice or by consent, except where separately listed will increase from £50 to £53
  • An application in exiting proceedings on notice, except where separately listed, will increase from £155 to £167

Children Act Proceedings

The court fee will increase from £215 to £232 in the following proceedings:

  • Section 8 Children Act 1989 – Child Arrangements, Specific Issue and Prohibited Steps Orders
  • Schedule 1 Financial provision for a child
  • Special Guardianship
  • Parental Responsibility
  • Change of a child’s surname or removal from the jurisdiction while a child arrangements order is in force under s 13 Children Act 1989
  • Appointment of a Guardian

Topic starter Posted : 29/09/2021 10:18 pm

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