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The above sucess story was posted on behalf of someone else.

It really depends on the allegations how to reply and if there is any evidence to substantiate what your ex partner is alleging.

Posted : 24/04/2020 8:00 pm
Active Member Registered

Some interim success in my story.

You can see the background in my initial post. a few years ago I left the house, got served an NMO that I consented to, all sorts of allegations - a playbook of everything you might expect. Got denied access for 4 months, while Police/SS got involved, lots of investigations and nothing came of it - nothing stuck it was all rubbish. I did not respond to none of her rubbish, just kept denying the [censored] she said. Half of it was weird stuff anyway so the court saw through it.

Asked for a CAO, I got granted weekends and half holidays, and she was seriously told off for her antics. For two years or so we carried this on. For all this time, she rings the police or SS about every little thing - I discovered stacks and stacks of NFA reports, she says I want to flee overseas, she says his room is too cold with me, she says he is rebellious when he comes back, etc etc... nothing came off this they always told her no further action required...

I was super careful to never message her and to never ever give any ounce of doubt.

Enter covid... she stops all contact, then she has the cheek to ask for an NMO with an incomprehensible rumble and says all contact must stop because of the NMO application... we phone for a hearing, judge tells us he sees no merit...

She then puts in a variation application to stop all contact, citing further allegations... this time around the judge in the hearing says this is complicated enough and appoints a guardian....

Just so you know guys,... at this point i haven't seen the kid for 3 months... felt like getting nowhere... in that hearing I only said two things:

"Yes your honour I can confirm that all contact has stopped because of various allegations being raised".

and ...

"Yes your honour I would like contact to resume"

Guardian gets appointed... and the guardian has a solicitor too..

They are given a stack of papers to look through, on Monday he talks to me... I never said a bad word about the mother... just said all those allegations never happened. He asks me a tricky question "Why does she not like contact so much?" with all the power in the world I muster the courage not to badmouth her and just say... "I don't know..."

Two days later... the guardian tells me contact should resume immediately, and now he's looking into possible punishment

She has the cheek to refuse....

So the guardian's solicitor sends her a threatening letter... tells her all options are on the table and your conduct between now and the next hearing will be looked into...

So now, I have a guardian and a solicitor doing my bidding :woohoo: :silly:

and guess what... this afternoon I'm picking up the kid.. she relented...

Can't wait for the showdown!!!

Posted : 18/06/2020 2:20 pm

how contact centres work

Illustrious Member

lol cool story. never a dull moment. enjoy time with your child.

Posted : 18/06/2020 2:58 pm
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