This, was given yesterday at Fhdra after following Cafcass advice. Cafcass advice however was based on incorrect information given to them. Is there anything that can be done. Any advice or knowledge please
if you wish to appeal their decision, all the guidance is here:
@bill337 permission has been granted to appeal and a hearing is scheduled for 2 weeks time. I don't have to file anything but the other party needs to file a position statement a week before which will be full of their lies. Will I get to see a copy before court. I'm self representing but do have a mackenzie friend it's scheduled for a 4 hour hearing
hi yes usually the other side would send you their position statement before the hearing.
What would I need to prepare for the hearing. The Cafcass safeguarding letter was very biased with factually incorrect information. Although I didnt go into specific details in the skeleton argument. Should I prepare some, papers to answer some of what is in there and is the judge likely to ask. They have discredited my situation without knowing the true facts. Grandma is cruel with regards to contact and never let's me know a time until the very latest opportunity. She has only just let me give him his bday present from December and, would not allow him to take his Christmas present home ftom me when he was upset about it and wanted to. There are lots of things that have gone on in contact which shows his love for me but she says I'm making it up. She says I'm being selfish not going at his pace with regards to how long I see him for but then said in the last court that she can't commit to more than 2 hours a fortnight. ( she supervises). If an appeal is allowed should I adk for social services to do a sec 7 as Cafcass got so much wrong in the safeguarding letter
@michno8 hi,
You mentioned you have a mckenzie friend helping you, have you asked them for advice?
is there anyone else who could supervise so you get longer?
@bill337 she is busy until Wednesday so just asking for a bit of advice on here before then.
champagne maternal family have dismissed my mum who has offered from day 1. When social services were going to assess they made up some outrageous accusations. Not one member of my family have been allowed to see my son. When my mum sometimes drops me off at contact grandma shields my son and hides him away do she can't see him. Social services did send letters from my mum to them to open conservation but they were ignored. All they keep saying in court is that he doesn't know her. Which is true but I've asked if she can discreetly sit in on contact or even to start by writing letters to him. They have made my family out to be drug taking alcoholic junkies. Who can't be trusted around children. My mum apparently is, an alcoholic junkie drug dealer who deals to her kids and takes, drugs with them. It absolutely flabbergasts me what they come out with. I haven't been allowed to take any photographs at all for 4 years. This, week when I asked yet again if I could have a photograph of him grandma told me apparently I had a, verbal agreement with a social worker in 2019 that I wouldnt take any.
I suggest you prepare a position statement for the hearing as well. Keep to the facts about the difficulties with contact, giving dates if you can. Also the issues where you disagree with Cafcass. Write in numbered sentences and just one page if possible. It's unlikely they will agree to a supervisor from your side of the family so is there anyone else from her side?
@champagne no there isn't anybody else who is willing to do it. So on their say so my family will never be able to spend time or meet my son.? He is missing out on so much. My mum is retired now but did work alongside child safeguarding in her role working in mental health in the community. My sister qualified as a foster carer and is a special needs teaching assistant and has been asked to sit on the board of governors to represent parents. One brother delivers healthy food to schools, and is an under 7s football coach and the other works for the local council and is an under 14s rugby coach. All have responsible jobs, and work with children.
@bill337 unfortunately she has now passed us onto somebody else and I haven't got anything prepared for the hearing on Wednesday. Although this new person is ringing on Monday. I believe she is an unregistered barrister. The respondents have not filed their position statement as requested but instead have filed papers to adjourn as one of the respondents has been in hospital, although this was a couple of weeks ago they have a hospital appointment on the same day as the appeal. One respondent should still be available and they do share the same solicitor. Could it go ahead without one of the respondents. Or will it more than likely be adjourned. Any knowledge please on this please