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Find London’s best fitness classes fast

Bored of your usual gym routine, but unsure what type of fitness class you should opt for? New fitness booking app Viva la Vita has launched to inspire you to try a break from the norm  

The fast-moving, stressful pace of modern-day London, means  finding time for fitness is vital for unwinding and keeping mentally alert. Finding a form of exercise you really enjoy can be tricky, especially if you don’t have a local park or gym on your doorstep, and even then a gym can be quite a big financial and time commitment.

Two young London entrepreneurs Styliana Vasili and Konstantinos Aristotelous found this problem and decided to go on a search for alternatives. They uncovered a load of eye-opening, exciting and quirky fitness classes, ranging from kayaks to ravercise, chessboxing to aerial trapeze and much more.

Through researching and trialling the available classes, app founder Kostas said he discovered some incredible workouts that he never even thought existed: “After some searching, I discovered an amazing class on Krav Maga, which is an Israeli martial art employing various defence techniques. It’s taught to the Israeli military so it’s quite hardcore but incredibly enjoyable!”

With the widespread nature of courses available all around London, the duo set up Viva La Vita – an app that curates London’s most exciting alternative fitness classes into a simple app where you can pay in two taps on your iPhone. 

After a quick download, the app shows 10-20 classes in a handpicked shortlist of the best sessions happening today, tomorrow and the rest of the week in London. Easily booked, the ticket is stored within the application and used as a reference and admittance, just wave your phone at the instructor and you’re set to go. And with no block booking required, it’s perfect if you’re searching for something out of your usual comfort zone. Now we’ve all got no excuse…

Download for free now on the App Store:

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