- Nearly a third (32%) of dog walkers exercise for at least half an hour every day, compared to just over a fifth (22%) of UK adults overall.
- Nearly half (45%) of dog owners admit the primary reason for walking their dog was to benefit their health as well as that of their furry friend.
- More than a third (37%) say owning a pet has improved their overall health.
- While dogs are helping keep the nation healthy, a fifth (20%) of UK adults admit to not exercising at all and a third (33%) only exercise occasionally.
- Of those who say they don’t exercise, nearly half (49%) blame it on lack of enjoyment and a sixth (16%) say it’s because they simply don’t have the time.
The type of four legged friend you choose could have an impact on the amount of exercise you do too. Almost two thirds of Labrador owners exercise for over 30 minutes a day, closely followed by Spaniel and Pug owners. Staffordshire Bull Terriers and Boxers were the most sedentary owners with 38% and 31% respectively exercising for a similar amount of time.
So, is it time you thought about introducing a new family member?