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Final hearing

Eminent Member Registered

I have a final hearing coming up, can someone who has been through it share their experience? What happens? What is the process? 


An hour's hearing is gruelling enough for me, I can't imagine what a day is like. 

Topic starter Posted : 22/02/2024 1:47 pm
Illustrious Member


Did cafcass do a welfare report, and have they made recommendations?

Posted : 22/02/2024 4:05 pm

top tips to support your child after breakup

New Member Registered

Are you sure is final?

I heard that final hearings are longer than 1h.

I also have a hearing coming up and in the letter says "dispute resolution" and I thought it was final. However my solicitor mentioned that final hearings lasts more than an 1h also because everyone including Cafcass officer gets cross examined.


Also looking for to hear more opinions, I am really nervous.

Posted : 24/02/2024 7:04 pm
Eminent Member Registered

Yes it's a final hearing, it's a 2 day hearing. 

CAFCASS recommendations aren't good. She will be cross examined at the final hearing. Just looking to hear people's experiences and any advice anyone has. 


Topic starter Posted : 29/02/2024 4:05 pm

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New Member Registered



Can you please share how it went after?


The cafcass report was not good for me too, it was bias and overrepresenting the mother. I was given a chance to challege the cafcass report points and then I will have a long final hearing.


Wish you the best of luck, for you and your child(ren)

Posted : 29/02/2024 4:30 pm
Eminent Member Registered

@wilson88 It's scheduled for july time so will be a while. Fingers crossed for you mate.

Topic starter Posted : 06/03/2024 6:46 pm
Bill337 reacted

Illustrious Member

@felix5 what did cafcass recommend?

Posted : 06/03/2024 9:56 pm

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