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Urgent non mol advi...
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Urgent non mol advice

Eminent Member Registered

Just had a notification through saying ex tried to extend her ex-parte non mol against me that runs out in July.

Judge has not ordered it ex-parte and want's to hear my side.

There have been no breaches - no contact with ex at all. I live in a nearby town and we share the same shops etc, never been a problem. 

Any advice to strengthen my position?  Thank you. 

Topic starter Posted : 09/05/2024 4:41 pm
Honorable Member

Have you ever seen her when shopping?  What evidence does she put forward to justify the extension?

Posted : 10/05/2024 11:03 am

Illustrious Member

So sounds like they will arrange a hearing to discuss this. Suggest you prepare a brief position statement, about how things have been going, and why you think non mol should not be extended.

Posted : 10/05/2024 6:00 pm
Eminent Member Registered

@champagne She is saying that I've driven past her and that she has seen me out and about. None of this means I'm in breach, as we live in the same town. The non mol is for her street only. She also says I have been seen hanging around her siblings/parents house which is a complete lie. I have no reason to do this? I can't believe she has the audacity to lie to the court. She has no evidence or proof, if she does have any particular dates I will be able to prove I wasn't there from my GPS/Calendar. I can't believe she is lying through her teeth!!


The judge said another hearing needs to happen to determine whether it needs extending.

Topic starter Posted : 13/05/2024 1:54 pm

top tips to support your child after breakup

Eminent Member Registered

@bill337 Correct, judge has ordered another hearing. She has been asked to write a statement and so have I.

Topic starter Posted : 13/05/2024 1:56 pm
Bill337 reacted
Illustrious Member

@felix5 how are things going with child contact, I take it your not seeing the kids*

Posted : 13/05/2024 2:28 pm

how contact centres work

Eminent Member Registered

@bill337 seeing one child, the other can come but isn't coming due to parental alienation. 

The non mol has no effect on child proceedings.

Topic starter Posted : 16/05/2024 5:41 pm
Estimable Member Registered

Jumping on post. I had a non Molestation against me. There was a court hearing time allocated one hour. On the day the courts said they were busy and because there was also a ongoing enforcement (mine) which had a CAFCASS report showing that a section 7 was needed, they adjourned until that was done. The new court date is not until AUGUST. I am having no contact with me child, after 10 years.  The new hearing for the non molestation is now all day and we were both told that we needed a solicitor. I don’t understand why it’s gone from one hour to all day. CAFCASS told me they were not involved with the non molestation, but the courts are waiting for the section 7 

Posted : 17/05/2024 4:42 pm

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