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[Solved] 50/50 residency? Any experience?

Eminent Member Registered

Hi all ! First time posting here !

Any advice/ experience with successfully getting 50/50 residency? My boy is 4 years old and until now I’ve seen him 1 day every other week . Our court order is for one day / overnight every weekend but I requested to my ex I reduce it to once a fortnight as he’s been getting upset coming to see me . My ex has stopped contact again and I’ve applied for an enforcement order but requested 50/50 residency on the c79 application.

My situation is ( being totally honest )
- I work full time 6-6 daily and 6-1 alternate weekends. I would get my partner to do the school runs etc
- I live in a 3 bed rental with 3 adults ( me , gf and gf’s brother ) and 2 children .
- Me and my ex do not get on so I am concerned at how we would communicate such a complex arrangement but I don’t see why I should have to miss out on time with my boy because of this.

My ex is totally against it and her main argument is that she works school hours and is available to pick my son up and take to school every day and says that if I am not actually caring for him then she should have the opportunity to . She also says my accommodation isn’t adequate for a 50/50 arrangement.
She has offered me week contact and alternate weekends from fri eve to sun eve .

Have I got any chance of getting 50/50?

Thanks guys

Topic starter Posted : 15/07/2019 12:22 pm
Active Member Registered

Hi, I thought I would reply as I have done quite a bit of reading on this. I am going through a child contact arrangement with my son who is only 20 months old. I'm yet to get to the first hearing.

Anyway. I would try an answer to your own points. Thinking what is in the best interest of your son.

1. Is your ex being able to pick him up easier better that you picking him up?
No. You are both available, the difficulty is a nonsense argument unless it has an effect on your son.

2. He says he doesn't want to come over. (or getting upset)
Really. Why? Without pressuring ask him to say how he could make coming over better?
If there is no explanation or If he kinda sounds like your ex, don't get angry. Just say how much you really like being with him, and would like to hear how to make it better. As he is 4 you can also ask the mother, in writing.

3. Concerned how you would communicate such a complex arrangement. Draw on a piece of paper, two weeks, Monday to Sunday, 5 am - 12 am. Block in the hours for contact, block in your work schedule. Show to court or anyone.

4. ask the court to attach a penal notice to the court order.

5. You may have harmed your position by reducing contact from what the court order says. Please give your ex enough time to adjust back to the schedule. Be really reasonable.

Hope I helped. Good luck. πŸ˜€

Posted : 21/07/2019 10:53 pm

Active Member Registered

Hi, I thought I would reply as I have done quite a bit of reading on this. I am going through a child contact arrangement with my son who is only 20 months old. I'm yet to get to the first hearing.

Anyway. I would try an answer to your own points. Thinking what is in the best interest of your son.

1. Is your ex being able to pick him up easier better that you picking him up?
No. You are both available, the difficulty is a nonsense argument unless it has an effect on your son.

2. He says he doesn't want to come over. (or getting upset)
Really. Why? Without pressuring ask him to say how he could make coming over better?
If there is no explanation or If he kinda sounds like your ex, don't get angry. Just say how much you really like being with him, and would like to hear how to make it better. As he is 4 you can also ask the mother, in writing.

3. Concerned how you would communicate such a complex arrangement. Draw on a piece of paper, two weeks, Monday to Sunday, 5 am - 12 am. Block in the hours for contact, block in your work schedule. Show to court or anyone.

4. ask the court to attach a penal notice to the court order.

5. You may have harmed your position by reducing contact from what the court order says. Please give your ex enough time to adjust back to the schedule. Be really reasonable.

Hope I helped. Good luck. πŸ˜€

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Posted : 21/07/2019 10:55 pm

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